Stop Focusing On The Home Run

Aaron Bouren
3 min readDec 13, 2021


At CBDHE (my company) we always talk about base hits. If you always put people on first base, the score adds up because someone is always coming to home plate. Doubles, triples, home runs, and grand slams are exciting and happen, but you usually can’t control those, but you can control base hits. It’s all about the fundamentals. Get up to bat, swing, and get on first base.

Wait, get on first base? You might be wondering what kind of coach would only encourage first base? Sure, home runs are exciting and can launch a team from a loss to a win, but hear me out. There is something more than just scoring a home run in baseball, work, business, etc. It’s essential to have a strategy. Home runs make up only a tiny percentage of baseball players’ hits, and the same will go in sales. Big clients/sales might be what you WANT, but they will only make up a small percentage of your sales. If you focus all of your energy on a sale, you’ll statistically only make 3–5% of the time; the other 95% of your sales will suffer.

So how do you set up the right strategy for yourself? Aim for the base hits (and even bunts!). Sure, you will reap a smaller reward initially and earn less money initially. Still, I guarantee many of these base hits will be repeat customers and even more significant sales in the future. Being a lover of taking risks, I can empathize with you if you prefer to take a considerable risk in hopes of the home run. But I’m not saying to stop making home runs completely. I’m just suggesting you try to change the way you think about your strategy. Base hits buy you the time to find your home runs. Your inner desire for the home run will balance with your logical low-risk base hits, and you will find that it creates an optimal setting for you to thrive in your business. How much time do you spend trying to achieve the home run versus how much time you spend working on base hits? Being too safe can also be harmful because you, in essence, eliminate the opportunity for the home run, but when you have a mixture of the two, you’ll see the balance only propels you further than if you worked on home runs alone. Balance is your secret weapon. You’ll be unstoppable!

The biggest key to everything I’m saying is, put yourself out there and SWING!

Originally published at on December 13, 2021.



Aaron Bouren

Aaron Bouren, CEO of Bouren Ventures, is an entrepreneur, public speaker, sales trainer, and marketing expert. Learn more at