The Art Of A Sales Script

Aaron Bouren
5 min readJun 28, 2021


Do You have a Sales Script? Do you want one but don’t know where to begin? Do you have one but feel you could do better? Keep reading.

If you want to increase your sales, you must have a sales script. You might be rolling your eyes a tad, but I’m not talking about the type of sales script that makes you sound like a robot or out of touch. Well, thought-out sales scripts will increase your sales- bottom line.

What is a sales script? A script is simply an organized way to talk to your prospects and clients so that you stay on track and make the sale.

I know a lot of people that prefer going off the cuff with conversation. Here’s the issue:

  • It takes longer to get to the point.
  • It doesn’t help you know how you can help your client.
  • It detours focus off the client.

But do scripts *really* work? Yes. They do. They work because you can predict what you say and how your client or prospect will react.

You can create PREDICTABILITY in your sales presentation. That is what the sales superstars do. They don’t try to re-invent the wheel. When something works, they go with it. Sales scripts work.

See below, a sales script that statistically works so much that I’ve kept it secret until now:

“As you probably know, I work with referrals. A good referral for me is ___ (share with them what a good referral is, for example, I say, “a business owner that demands high quality, compliant products that they can brand as their own). Of everyone you know, who would be the best referral for me?” People aren’t alone in their industry. They have friends, colleagues, and contacts. Ask them who they know by jogging their memory and getting a referral!

How did I know about sales scripts, and when did I start using them?

As an entrepreneur, I love to learn and train. When I was younger, I would listen to all the classic sales training audios from people such as Jim Rhone, Jim Collins, Dale Carnegie, Anthony Robbins, etc. They all had the message to create predictability in your conversations. For example, If you listen to “live” recordings, most of the pros make the same jokes and tell the same stories to each audience. They know when the laugh is coming. They know where a slight pause will make the viewer self-reflect. They know where to jolt the listener with something outlandish. Listening to the GOATS is how I started using sales scripts. Because every prospect/client is like the same audience in a new city, you can use sales scripts to help you get in and stay in the flow, all while creating predictability!

The meat and potatoes. Write Your First Sales Script:

  1. Start with asking a question. (Questions that help them see their business in a new way are extra helpful and hooks them into the rest of the conversation.) Open-ended questions are better than “yes and no” questions, and if you do ask a “yes/no” question, aim to have them answer “Yes”. The psychology behind this is remarkable. So go ahead, ask a question that dangles a carrot! Write down a question that you can ask your prospects right now.
  2. Present a problem, then hope/the solution. You know there is likely one or two major sticking points for your prospect. For example, I might say, “Right now, the industry is a billion-dollar industry, but right now, consumers are willing to pay MORE as they are looking for QUALITY in the sea of options. Our company provides the industry’s highest quality standards and only costs a small percentage more than others. See how I created a problem- the consumers don’t want just any product- they want high quality. There’s plenty of junk out there. The solution is a small investment to have high quality (that the consumer is looking for!). What type of problem solution can you create right now? Please write it down and make it Part 2 of your script.
  3. “Facts Tell, Stories Sell.” An oldie but goodie. It would be best if you had a compelling story to share. One idea is WHY you chose to be a part of the company you are representing. Then at the end, introduce the product. Go ahead. Find a story to share. Keep it short and straightforward-nothing to drag out. You want to create an emotional response, not a way for your prospect to catch some Zzz’s.
  4. Personalize your script by complimenting the prospect. The number one rule here is to be genuine and honest. If you don’t believe what you’re saying, your potential client will sense it and peg you for a slimy salesperson. Find something you genuinely like about the company/person and tell them. You catch more bees with honey. But too much sugar can lead to a stomach ache. Please keep it simple and don’t dote on your prospect too much.
  5. Know what you want your prospect to take away from the conversation. Please keep it to two or three bullet points. Anything more is word vomiting all over them. They don’t need 100 benefits; they want to know the top benefits! Know what they are and focus on it. Write down two or three key benefits your product/service will offer your prospect.
  6. Help the prospect act NOW. You don’t want to do a lot of work only to have the deal at a dead end. One way to do this is to explain how you don’t know how long the offer will be good for, how long the product will be available, or you only have room for a few more clients like them. A sense of urgency that makes sense for what you are selling. Write down what you can say to create a sense of urgency.
  7. Encourage the prospect to try the product/service for themselves. From samples to the experience, the product will more often than not sell itself more than you explaining it.
  8. Listen to what your prospect is saying- they are going to have feelings. Acknowledge them. Repeat their feelings back to them. The prospect will feel heard and comforted in knowing you’re human with empathy.
  9. Have cold hard facts. There is a large group of the population that needs proof in the pudding. Having some statistics about your company/product will be the black and white they need. What is one or two facts you can have prepared to share?
  10. Don’t be a robot. Be ready to tailor your script to the prospect. If you hear them say they “hate math” and #9 is full of numbers- don’t use it with them! If you hear your potenital client mention they’ve already tried the product, leave out offering samples -etc. Instead say “since you already tried the product, tell me what you loved about it!”.

Wahlah! You officially have a sales script!

You most likely need more than ONE sales script. You are not a robot. You’ll need to handle certain situations with specific scripts. Here are some common topics you will need a script for:

1. Handling Objections

2. Asking for a Referral

3. Closing the Deal

4. Building a Relationship/Rapport

5. Learning Your Clients Top Need(s)

6. Scheduling Calls/Appointments

7. Your Sales Pitch/Presentation

Make your list of situations you will need a script. Sales Scripts are your playbook, and now you are ready to take your sales to a whole new level.

Originally published at on June 28, 2021.



Aaron Bouren
Aaron Bouren

Written by Aaron Bouren

Aaron Bouren, CEO of Bouren Ventures, is an entrepreneur, public speaker, sales trainer, and marketing expert. Learn more at

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